Your body is already wonderfully set up to process, filter and eliminate toxins. Your kidneys, liver and lymphatic system are just some of the parts that work all day, every day, to keep you feeling healthy.

Infrared sauna may help to support your body’s natural detox process through:
Improving sleep quality
Boosting your lymphatic system
Boosting your circulatory system
Encouraging you to focus on hydration
Is the process by which an organism excretes bioaccumulated toxicants from muscles, adipose tissues and organs out of its system.
The most common of those toxic elements are: Heavy Metals (mercury in fish, cadmium in cigarettes & automobile exhaust, lead & arsenic)
BPA - Bisphenol A (Endocrine disruptor found in paper receipts, plastic containers, food packaging, beverage can lining)
Phthalates (Hormonal disruptor, lowering testosterone, found in soft plastic, beauty products, soaps & creams)
Detoxification through sweat
Sweating is one of the body's natural detoxification mechanisms. Studies have shown heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium were all found to be released in higher levels of post-sauna sweat than other detoxification pathways.
Infrared sauna sessions facilitate excretion of toxins through sweat via the largest organ of the body, the skin. By gently increasing your body temperature and inducing a deep sweat, the infrared sauna will promote detoxification, helping to flush out harmful substances and heavy metals from your system.
Sauna sweating
Under normal circumstances, people usually start sweating after spending 15-20 minutes in a sauna. Hydration is the most important component to inducing sweat in your sauna session.
If your body lacks hydration (and electrolytes), it becomes difficult for the body to produce a substantial amount of sweat. Hydrate appropriately prior to your session by consuming 3-4 litres of quality water on sauna days. This will ensure a healthy sweat response.
Replenish your body with electrolytes and water in adequate amounts pre and post sauna.