The number one question we get asked all the time is "Why should I use an Infrared Sauna?"
There are so many benefits to using the sauna, and our top 5 would be: pain relief, muscle recovery, better sleep, deep relaxation, and detox.

Pain relief: One of the most desired benefits when using our sauna is the natural pain relief you can achieve. Just one session can help to reduce pain levels by up to 70%. The warming heat will help to relax the body, reducing muscle spasms, muscle tension, and inflammation, by promoting circulation and detoxification throughout the body. Inflammation is also reduced by relieving its core triggers, such as toxins and stress.
Muscle recovery: The heating of the body can assist in reducing lactic acid, improving your recovery process, and one research study showed significant improvements in flexibility, particularly in hips, hamstrings and lower back.
Sleep: Infrared sauna therapy promotes relaxation by helping to balance your body’s level of cortisol, your body’s primary stress hormone. The heat generated by the sauna will also help to relax muscles and relieve tension throughout the body, allowing our body to relax and destress. The sauna also incorporates light therapy, with red light therapy proven to help you to sleep
Relaxation: Scheduling in some time to unwind can be so important in our busy lives. The sauna is the perfect space to get comfy, zone out and take a few deep breaths whilst the heaters get to work on melting away your muscle tension.
Detox: We are exposed to many toxins throughout our daily lives, from the air we breathe to foods, drinks, and the medications we take. Our body tends to store these toxins in our fatty tissues. Positive heat stress (such as that experienced in an infrared sauna) can trigger a reaction that stimulates the fat cells to expel toxins from the body that may have otherwise remained in the body.
What does it feel like? The first thing people notice is the stress-relieving, calming nature of the heat. Tension melts away and the deep penetrating warmth is very soothing to aches and pains. With regular use, you feel the benefits of a deep, healthy sweat that purifies your body and improves circulation. After the first session, people often notice more relaxed muscles and enjoy a deep, restful sleep that night.
Is infrared heat safe? Infrared heat is completely safe! It is the type of heat used in hospitals to warm newborn infants. Infrared is a naturally occurring output of the sun without the harmful UV rays associated with unprotected sunlight.
What's the difference between steam and infrared sauna? Steam saunas can feel more aggressive in the heat that you experience, and you may not be able to last as long in one (10-15mins). Compare that to an infrared sauna which you can stay in for 30-45 minutes and really take time to relax and enjoy. You have better control over the temperature in an IR sauna and can tailor sessions.
Should I have a sauna before or after my treatment? We recommend doing your sauna after your treatment. This allows you 30 more minutes to chill out before you head back out into the world, and your muscles will definitely appreciate the heat therapy post treatment.
What should I wear in the sauna? Minimal clothing is recommended, and breathable fibres are best. Swimwear or running shorts and a crop top are popular choices.
How long is an infrared sauna session? Our sessions run for 30 minutes
Does the sauna help with weight loss? During a sauna session, you will burn calories due to the cardiovascular stimulation. We don't recommend sauna as a quick fix for weight loss but more as another tool to use as a part of a healthy lifestyle.